Friday, May 2, 2014

Georg Simmel - Social Geometry

Here we see the Dyad - a two person group.  These two boys love to play together with very little fussing, feuding, and fighting between them (other than the occasional HULK smash).  Withing a dyad, each person is able to retain their individuality.

Here are two pictures depicting the Triad - three person group.  The sister emerges and conflict will soon arise between all three vying for the leader spot.  The picture of the tree shows the sister's bad attitude that has developed.  She is unhappy the boys are having fun together making her feel left out of the group.  In the second picture, the sister jumped in front of the camera in order to gain attention and put the spotlight on her.  The triad can manifest conflict as the group structure starts to grow.  The conflict with these three is always the leader/superiority disaster.  One of them will eventually coerce another to gang up on the third by mocking or name calling in order to create a leadership position within this triad.

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